Conheça o Ranking dos Melhores Jack Ryan – Surpreendente!
Every ‘Jack Ryan’ actor, ranked
Jack Ryan has been captivating audiences for decades. Here is our definitive ranking of all the actors who have portrayed him.
Jack Ryan is an enigma. He has been the focus of Tom Clancy novels, successful movies, and a popular TV series, but the core of the character is that he is not an action hero. He is a CIA analyst who is thrust into situations against his will and must rely on his wit to survive. People shoot at him or threaten his life, but it would be hard to find a scene where he is taking down enemies like Indiana Jones or the Terminator. That’s not his style.
In fact, Jack Ryan’s appeal lies in his lack of style. He is a blank canvas on which actors can bring any number of qualities, and they have done so over the past three decades. Since there are so many Ryans to choose from, we decided to take an analytical approach and rank them from worst to best. Yes, we are including the TV series.
Ben Affleck – 5th Place
In 5th place, we have Ben Affleck. He can be fantastic in the right role. Unfortunately, he can be terrible in the wrong role, as we saw in The Sum of All Fears (2002). The actor may have been looking for his own understated hero after his friend Matt Damon filmed The Bourne Identity, but he exudes too much of a college quarterback vibe to convincingly portray a bureaucrat.
In defense of Affleck, the rest of the film is also bad. The Sum of All Fears is hard to follow, despite having Tom Clancy’s novel as its source, and the mid-film nuclear bomb explosion makes it difficult to invest in the aftermath that follows. If you want to skip a Ryan adventure, this would be the choice.
Chris Pine – 4th Place
In 4th place, we have Chris Pine. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014) was the second attempt to reboot the franchise. It is better than The Sum of All Fears, partly due to Chris Pine’s solid performance. He really sells Ryan’s inexperience here, and watching the character stumble and recover repeatedly makes it feel like he is growing in real time. His chemistry with Keira Knightley is also not bad.
The problems with Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit mainly lie with Kenneth Branagh. He directs the film and plays the Russian villain, but fails to deliver a memorable performance in either role. It’s a shame too, as we get the impression that Pine could have done well in sequels.
John Krasinski – 3rd Place
In 3rd place, we have John Krasinski. Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan (2018-) became the definitive version of the character for many. The Amazon series managed to develop Ryan over four seasons, making his transition from analyst to armed threat especially believable. The time given would mean nothing, however, without the excellent casting of John Krasinski.
Krasinski had already played an office employee in The Office (2005-13), so transitioning from paper sales to global threats was a smart career move, with a touch of metanarrative. He pretty much nails the character as Clancy wrote him. The only reason he is in third place is because the series itself has been inconsistent at times.
Alec Baldwin – 2nd Place
In 2nd place, we have Alec Baldwin. The Hunt for Red October (1990) is the best adaptation of a Jack Ryan story. Most of the film takes place on a submarine that could start World War III, and it is up to the character to convince the submarine captain, Marko Ramius (Sean Connery), to surrender. It is as tense as thrillers can be, and it is a testament to director John McTiernan that he remains faithful to the novel and does not try to insert action scenes.
Alec Baldwin shines as Ryan. He was relatively unknown when he was cast, and that.
é uma das razões pelas quais sua interpretação é tão impactante. Ele traz uma vulnerabilidade e uma inteligência sutil ao personagem, tornando-o cativante de assistir. Sua química com Sean Connery também é excelente, adicionando outra camada de tensão ao filme.
E em 1º lugar, temos Harrison Ford. Ford interpretou Jack Ryan em dois filmes: Jogos Patrióticos (1992) e Perigo Real e Imediato (1994). Ele é o único ator que conseguiu capturar perfeitamente a essência do personagem de Tom Clancy. Ford traz um equilíbrio perfeito entre inteligência, coragem e humanidade para o papel. Ele transmite a determinação de Ryan e sua vontade de fazer o que é certo, mesmo que isso signifique colocar sua própria vida em risco.
Além disso, os filmes em si são excelentes. Eles têm roteiros bem escritos, direção habilidosa e cenas de ação emocionantes. Ford é o destaque, mas o elenco de apoio também é forte, com atuações memoráveis de Sean Bean, James Earl Jones e Willem Dafoe.
Em resumo, aqui está a classificação definitiva dos atores que interpretaram Jack Ryan:
1. Harrison Ford
2. Alec Baldwin
3. John Krasinski
4. Chris Pine
5. Ben Affleck
Cada ator trouxe algo único para o papel, mas Ford é o verdadeiro destaque, personificando perfeitamente o personagem de Tom Clancy. Com informações do We Got This Covered.