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Irmãos Russo quase dirigiram filme cancelado de Star Wars


Avengers: Endgame directors, Anthony and Joe Russo, almost directed a now cancelled Star Wars production. The duo behind Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame revealed that they almost joined the Star Wars universe after directing Captain America: The Winter Soldier, one of Marvel’s most well-received films.

During the SmartLess podcast, they briefly discussed their love for the franchise and mentioned “early conversations” about working with Kevin Feige on a Star Wars project. Joe Russo mentioned how Feige, who worked with them for several years at Marvel Studios, is a big fan of the space saga.

Although news of a Star Wars film produced by Feige was announced in September 2019, years have passed without significant updates. No director was officially linked to the project until then, but Michael Waldron, writer of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, was working on a screenplay.

According to Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, there was nothing related to a Star Wars film produced by Kevin Feige. At a conference held by Lucasfilm at the Star Wars Celebration event in 2023, three new franchise films were presented. Kennedy stated that the film was never being developed and was not cancelled.

The official position of Lucasfilm regarding the possible project surprised many as writer Michael Waldron and former CCO Alan Horn openly discussed the subject. Waldron even mentioned that Feige-produced Star Wars film would not be a sequel, but rather an original story.

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The Russo brothers’ comments suggest that the project almost had directors involved. The film was probably in very early stages of development and, despite its cancellation, it would have been interesting to see the Russo Brothers’ approach to the Star Wars universe in a film produced by Feige, with whom they have collaborated for a long time.

Notícia Diretores de Avengers: Endgame quase dirigiram produção de Star Wars cancelada
Quem? Anthony e Joe Russo, diretores de Capitão América: Guerra Civil, Vingadores: Guerra Infinita e Ultimato
O que aconteceu? Conversas iniciais sobre trabalhar com Kevin Feige em um projeto de Star Wars
Atualizações Nenhum diretor oficialmente ligado ao projeto até agora, apesar de Michael Waldron estar trabalhando em um roteiro
Posição oficial da Lucasfilm Não havia nada relacionado a um filme de Star Wars produzido por Kevin Feige e o projeto nunca esteve sendo desenvolvido

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